Runny Ears! Choose your ENT expert wisely

Ear discharge, referred to as “runny ears” or “watery ears”, is a symptom that can indicate various underlying conditions affecting the ears. While it may seem alarming, understanding the causes, symptoms, and appropriate treatment can help individuals navigate this often-uncomfortable and serious issue.
Many a time’s wax accumulates in the ears. This is a mixture of shredded cells from ear canal skin with oil that our body naturally produces. Ear wax may sometimes mimic ear discharge.
However, other conditions, such as a ruptured eardrum, can cause blood or other fluids to drain from your ear. This kind of discharge is a sign that your ear has been injured or infected and requires medical attention.
Most commonly, ear discharge is a result of an infection of a ruptured eardrum. A foreign body in the ear can also cause pain and discharge from the ears.
Skull fracture (which is a break in any of the bones in the skull) or mastoiditis (infection of MASTOID BONE in which the ear is situated) may cause discharge from the ears. A tumour (which can be cancerous) in the middle or inner ear can cause discharge. Glomus is a tumour of a blood vessel, commonly originating in or around the ears, may have the same symptom.
Nature of ear discharge ( its colour, consistency, odour etc ) vary depending on the underlying cause.
Hearing loss, Dizziness, Noise in the ear and Pain may be the accompanying symptoms along with Ear Discharge.
In many cases, a physical examination is all that’s necessary to diagnose the cause. Many a times some investigation to confirm the diagnosis may be advised , which includes:
1. Audiometry: This test measures the range and sensitivity of your hearing.
2. Tympanometry: The compliance and volume of Tympanum.
3. Imaging (CT SCAN or MRI scan) depending on the need. [CT scan: This imaging tells us about the bone involvement deep inside. MRI scan: it gives an excellent idea of nerves or brain involvement]
4. Culture & Sensitivity : The discharge is examined to evaluate the presence of any bacteria, fungi or other organism in it.
The treatment focuses on the cause of ear discharge. For example, if the condition is the result of a bacterial infection in your outer or middle ear, we will likely prescribe appropriate medications.
If you have a ruptured eardrum, it may heal on its own in a few weeks. But some people need surgery to repair.
Tumours do need surgery at the earliest.
Ear discharge can be a symptom of various conditions at different areas. Understanding the possible cause and planning appropriate treatment is essential for an effective outcome. If you experience ear discharge, consult a ENT Head & Neck Specialist for proper management.
When you choose your ENT Head and Neck Consultant or the hospital for your service do find out the kind of the services and the track record of the service provider. What is of utmost importance that you may decide on is the patient safety aspect and the range of critical surgeries that are done by the hospital.
Also if in case a surgery is required then is the hospital equipped with the latest state of the art technology in medical equipment, are the consultants experienced and skilled to carry out the necessary procedures and above all is the hospital ethical .
Never take any of the ear problems or ear discharge too lightly, consult ENT Head and Neck Surgeon to make sure SOMETHING SERIOUS IS NOT BREWING INSIDE.