Arunachal Pradesh: Priests demonstrate use of plant species

Six renowned priests – four from the Galo community and one each from the Nyishi and the Apatani communities –recently conducted a state-level workshop at Lingalaya ashram in Arunachal Pradesh where they displayed the uses of different plant species and their importance in traditional rituals.
The workshop was held close to Itanagar city.
The workshop, themed ‘Natural and intangible heritage, indigenous belief system and ethnic traditional rituals practices by the tribes of Arunachal Pradesh’, was organised by the Arunachal Pradesh State Council for Science & Technology, in collaboration with the Donyi Polo Indigenous Nyijik-Nyikok (Samman) Cultural and Training Forum (DPINNC&TF), to sensitize the people to the natural and intangible heritage linked with the indigenous belief systems and why the conservation of plant and animal species is necessary to preserve the state’s cultural heritage., reports The Arunachal Times.
DPINNC&TF chief patron Jummar Kamdak inaugurated the workshop.