Australian university names theatre after Assam's Annada Gohain

The University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia has paid tribute to India's Annada Gohain, the first woman to graduate from UNSW's School of Chemical Engineering, by naming a theatre after her.
The Lecture Theatre G06, located inside the CLB at UNSW in Sydney, has been named the "Annada Gohain Theatre" in recognition of her groundbreaking achievements, reports India Today NE.
Assam Education Minister Ranoj Pegu tweeted: " Heartening to learn about
@UNSW 's gesture to name its theatre after Annada Gohain, the first woman to graduate from UNSW's School of Chemical Engineering."
"She was a trailblazer regarding women's education and her story will continue to inspire women from across the world to continue pursuing their dreams," he said.