INS Kadmatt arrives in Manila, move aims to bolster maritime cooperation between India and the Philippines

As part of the ongoing Long Range Op Deployment, INS Kadmatt arrived in Manila on Tuesday in a bid to bolster maritime cooperation between India and the Philippines.
"A wide range of engagements between personnel of both the Navies planned during the Port Call," read a government statement.
These include professional interactions, Subject Matter Expert Exchange and cross deck visits, aimed at enhancing cooperation and exchanging best practices. Visits by school children and community outreach/ social impact activities are also planned during the visit.
Post departure from Manila, a Maritime Partnership Exercise is scheduled in the South China Sea between INS Kadmatt and BRP Ramon Alcaraz, an off-shore patrol vessel of the Philippine Navy.
INS Kadmatt is an indigenously designed and built Anti-Submarine Warfare Corvette, equipped with state-of-the-art anti submarine weapon suite.