Jammu and Kashmir: Baramulla event marks October 22 Black Day

The South Asia Center for Peace and Peoples Empowerment (SACPPE) recently hosted a one-day event titled ‘Tribal Invasion: A Black Day in J-K’s History’ in Baramulla region of Jammu and Kashmir to mark October 22 as ‘Black Day’.
The program was organised on the anniversary of the Pakistani Tribal invasion of Jammu-Kashmir that happened on October 22, 1947, reported ANI.
Speaking at the event, Tauseef Raina, former chairman of Municipal Committee Baramulla, spoke in detail about the reality of the event how marauding tribesmen not only killed non-Muslims but hundreds of Kashmiri Muslims as well and the aim of the tribal raid was to seize the land, the Indian news agency reported.
“The St Joseph’s Hospital in Baramulla was burnt crisp to the ground; its sick, elderly, and nurses were raped and killed. Pakistan only wants Kashmir to bleed and burn. Young women were abducted and carried off without distinction of colour, cast or creed. Each raider tried to grab as much wealth or as many girls as he could,” he said.
Raina said after seeing violence, death and destruction for decades, Kashmiris, especially the youth here have given up the gun culture and dissociated themselves from Pakistan.
Fida Firdose, chairman of the Kashmir Writers Association, was quoted as saying by ANI that truth is usually the first casualty of wars.
He spoke in detail about the ill consequences of the October 22, 1947, tribal raid on Kashmir and its aftermath.