Jammu and Kashmir: Emergency operations centre to be set up in 20 districts

Jammu and Kashmir's administration has decided to set up a state-of-the-art Emergency Operation Centres (EOC) in 20 districts of the UT in an attempt to minimize the damage caused by natural disasters.
Budgam district, which will have a comprehensive disaster management plan under the National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP) 2019, is to be implemented in all districts, and the process of constituting the EOC has begun. In order to implement an Emergency Response Support System (ERSS) to coordinate catastrophe calls in Dial No. 112, the governments of Jammu and Kashmir and the NDMA, the government of India, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, reports Republic World.
District Emergency Operation Centres will be established in all 20 districts of Jammu and Kashmir, according to the Economic Survey 2022–23 published by the Government of Jammu and Kashmir, to support the development of the Union Territory (UT) and district administration by managing disaster risks, enhancing preparedness, and achieving resilient recovery.
Almost 1.5 lakh community volunteers will be involved in three phases of capacity building, with 15,000 volunteers participating in the first phase, 35,000 volunteers participating in the second phase, and 100,000 volunteers participating in the third phase, the news channel reported.