Mir Junaid's CISD hosts 2008 Mumbai attacks commemorative event across Jammu and Kashmir

In remembrance of the tragic 26/11 Mumbai Terror attacks, the Centre for Inclusive and Sustainable Development (CISD) spearheaded a significant commemorative event across Jammu and Kashmir that aims to instil a sense of patriotism among youth and other sections of society.
Issuing a statement, Mir Junaid, Chairperson of the Centre for Inclusive and Sustainable Development, said, “The event aimed not only to pay respects to the martyrs but also to instil a profound sense of nationalism and patriotism among youth and the cross sections of the society.”
The commemorative event held on November 25 in 14 districts across 16 locations witnessed a gathering of youth and cross sections of the society who observed a two-minute silence, collectively paying tribute to the heroes who defended the nation during the attacks.
Speakers from different disciplines addressed the audience on themes of peace, harmony, brotherhood, about drug abuse, providing valuable insights to the youth and others present there.
Mir Junaid said that a poignant five-minute documentary vividly portrayed the 26/11 terror attacks, serving as a potent reminder of the resilience and unity of our country in the face of adversity.
"The tribute paid homage to the martyrs of Mumbai, emphasizing the values of courage and sacrifice," the statement said.
Meanwhile, youngsters engaged in community service, and conducted cleanliness and plantation drives in the memories of the 26/11 martyrs.
“CISD believes that this event will leave a lasting impact on our youngsters, and the people and that will foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of the sacrifices made for our nation’s security and unity,” said Mir Junaid.