Mizoram observes Easter Sunday

Easter, which marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ, was observed across Christian-dominated state of Mizoram with religious solemnity and gaiety on Sunday.
The Salvation Army band parties played the song ‘He has Risen from the dead’ in the early morning at a number of localities in Aizawl city as well as district headquarters and large towns across the state.
Local churches of different Christian denominations organised ‘sunrise service’ in the churches or in front of the church buildings at sunrise.
Special church prayer and worship services to commemorate the the ressurection of Christ were held the whole day. Sermons and singing of hymns about Christ being resurrected from the death were conducted.
Church members prepared Easter eggs and held tea parties after church services and wore new clothes on this occasion.
The occasion is being celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm by the people, irrespective of church denominations and religious beliefs.
Several local churches, especially the Catholics organised community feasts on the occasion of Easter Sunday.
The Catholic church members took out candle light procession in the evening while mass was organised in almost all the local churches in the morning services.
According to the Bible (New Testament), Jesus Christ was crucified by the Roman soldiers after being sentenced to death by governor of then Roman province of Judaea Pontius Pilate at the instigation of the Jewish High Priest and was buried before he resurrected from the death after three days.
(With UN inputs)