The Tsükhenyie festival of 2023 concluded in Pfutseromi village in Nagaland

Pfutseromi/Nagaland: The Tsükhenyie 2023 festival was celebrated by the Chakhesang tribe, lasted for two days and concluded on Saturday with customary enthusiasm in Pfutseromi village located in the Phek district.
The Chakhesang Public Organization (CPO) and the Department of Tourism, Nagaland collaborated to organize the festival, stated The Morung Express.
MLA Dr Neisatu Mero expressed gratitude towards Temjen Imna Along, the Minister of Tourism and Higher Education, for inaugurating the festival on April 24th and for his presence at the cultural event.
Dr Neisatu Mero expressed his appreciation to the Chakhesang Public Organization (CPO), the Department of Tourism, the district administration, various departments, cultural troupes, participants, media, host Pfutseromi village, and all visitors and tourists for contributing to the magnificent celebration.
“Music emanates to all streams of our lives. It connects to our mind, body and soul. In times of melancholy, listening to good music gives a sense of relief to our mind. Music dives to the innermost core of our mind,” stated Dr Mero.
The gathering was also addressed by Murohu Chotso, who serves as the President of the Chakhesang Cultural Organization.
The day's events were presided over by the CPO Treasurer, Rekha Rose Dukru, while Sehuto Mero, the pastor of Pfutseromi Baptist Church, led the invocation for God's blessings.
Additionally, the village of Pfutseromi presented a Tsükhenyie folk song during the celebration.
After the program, there were mass fishing and indigenous games that took place.
Throughout the two-day festival, cultural troupes from various places including Lozaphuhu, Zhavame, Middle Khomi, Chakhesang Cultural Organization, Leshemi, Pfutseromi, and Kuzha Cultural Society Zapami village, performed.