Toddler vomits blood after consuming expired chocolates in Punjab, undergoing treatment

A one-and-a-half-year-old girl in Punjab vomited blood and was later admitted to a hospital for treatment after eating some chocolates.
According to a statement by one of the girl's relatives, she, along with her family, had visited them in Patiala. Upon her departure, the relative had gifted her a box of snacks, which also contained chocolates, reported India Today.
Medical tests later showed she fell ill after eating expired chocolates.
She is currently undergoing treatment in a hospital.
The incident has been reported to police and local health department.
Upon reaching the shop from where the snack box was purchased, the police and the health department confirmed that the shop sold expired eatables. Other expired snacks were also seized from the shop, India Today reported.
An investigation into the incident is currently underway.