Untrained general employee of Khowai hospital give medical care to patients instead of nurses

Once again the poor and negligent health services at Khowai district hospital came to light after a Group-D employee of the hospital pushed injecting saline into a patient's intravenous (IV) line using a syringe on Wednesday. But, an untrained group-D employee makes a blunder and instead of pushing saline inside the vein, blood spills out from the vein for her wrong step.
Sources said that on Wednesday afternoon one patient Aparupa Das was admitted for her ailments and as per prescription of the visiting doctor, some saline solution was given to her. When one bottle of saline was completed, the husband of the patient tried to contact the on-duty nurse, but he could not find any medical staff to open the patient's intravenous (IV) line.
Then, one Group-D employee of the hospital, Shikha Shukla Das came in front of the patient's bed and opened the syringe of the saline, but spilled out blood from the vein. When, patient party raised their protest, Shikha Shukla Das started abusing them, which created a noise scene in the hospital.
The relative of the patient, Aparupa Das claimed that ‘its very shameful that patients in a district hospital are net getting proper medical care and negligence is now in its peak and general employees of the hospital are providing medical care instead of medicos.”
Sources said that many doctors and nurses working in Khowai district hospital are often reluctant to provide basic healthcare services to indoor patients and they involve other employees to do their work, which can be a dangerous step for life of a penitent.