Afghanistan: Shopkeepers in Kabul say sales remain low ahead of Eid

A shopkeeper in Kabul has said on the eve of Eid al-Adha sales of goods remain low.
There are less than five days left until this year's Eid al-Adha, but some shopkeepers say that their sales have decreased compared with previous years, reports Tolo News.
"Last Eid people bought dry fruit and for this Eid they have some of it so they came and buy just half a kilogram," Abdul Basir, a shopkeeper, told the news portal.
"Our sales are not good this Eid, we bought materials that cost 8 Lakhs but in a day our income is only 15 thousand," said Abdul Wakil, a shopkeeper.
Cloth sellers are also worried about the decline in the sales.
"This Eid people have economic issues so they use the clothes that they bought for last Eid," Atiqullah, a shopkeeper, told Tolo News.