Canada: Manitoba announces free entry to provincial parks, free family fishing this weekend

Winnipeg/IBNS: During this year’s Family Fishing Weekend from June 9-11, Manitoba families have been allowed free access to provincial parks as well as free family fishing, Natural Resources and Northern Development Minister Greg Nesbitt has announced in a news release.
“Summer is almost here and we know Manitobans treasure these warm, late spring weekends…to fish for free while also enjoying free access to our beautiful provincial parks…extra day creates another opportunity,” said Nesbitt.
This weekend, anglers across the province do not need a licence, except in national parks where a federal licence is still required.
The 2023 Manitoba Anglers’ Guide, outlines in all other rules and regulations, including size limits.
While regular camping fees will still apply at provincial campgrounds, vehicle permits will not be required to visit provincial parks from June 9 through June 11.
Due to the possibility of temporary closures or advisories, park visitors are encouraged to check provincial park conditions.
Visitors should check for the latest fire restrictions, before setting up camp, and only make fires in approved fire pits.
(Reporting by Asha Bajaj)