Former US President Abraham Lincoln's wax statue melts amid high temperature in Washington DC

The American heatwave took a bitter toll on the country's hero Abraham Lincoln this year.
The wax statue of Lincoln melted in Washington DC as the capital struggled against extreme heat.
The head went first, then one of his legs dripped off its torso and a foot turned into a blob. The chair sank into the ground, reported BBC.
The six-foot wax structure is located on the site of Camp Barker in Washington DC.
Virginia-based artist Sandy Williams IV placed the statue outside Garrison Elementary School as part of The Wax Monument Series.
The statue had faced melting issue in the past as well.
The statue was installed at the same location last September, but the first version of the wax monument included over 100 wicks that were prematurely lit, melting a significant portion of the art installation ahead of its dedication ceremony, reported BBC.
The video and images of the statue have now gone viral on social media.
According to reports, the city experienced a 100-degree Fahrenheit temperature on Saturday.