Ghulja Massacre: Protests held in Bangladesh over Uyghur atrocities by China

Dhaka: Several regions in Bangladesh witnessed protests against Chinese atrocities against Uyghur people recently to mark the anniversary of the Ghulja Massacre.
This is an important day marking the 26th anniversary of the Ghulja Massacre that took place in 1997 when Chinese forces allegedly killed and imprisoned thousands of innocent Uyghurs while they were participating in a peaceful demonstration in Ghulja in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) demanding religious and cultural freedom and equal rights, reports ANI.
Various NGOs and civil societies, Ulemas, and other organisations observed the event.
To mark the day, Sanchetan Nagarik Samaj organized a Human Chain and protest demonstrations in Bangladesh’s Gazipur city highlighting Chinese atrocities and ongoing genocide against Uyghur Muslims, reports ANI.
Protesters expressed solidarity with the Uyghur Muslims and condemned China for adopting its double standard on minority issues and committing genocide on innocent Uyghurs. Protestors were carrying banners and posters highlighting Chinese atrocities on Uyghurs.
In Dhaka, Bangladesh Sampriti Saangsad (BSS) Welfare Association organized a bicycle rally and protest meeting. the bicycle rally started from Nikunj Police Plaza, went through Gulshan Area and United Hospital, and ended at the Police Plaza.
In National Press Club, Islamic Progotoshil Janata Front organized a Press Conference which was attended by 120-150 participants including Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon leader, Ameer Maulana Abu Zafar Kashemi, Senior leader of Jamiayet Ulamaye Islam Bangladesh Maulona Shahidul Islam Ansari, reports ANI.
Bangladesh Mohajir Welfare and Development Committee (BMWDC) organized a protest demonstration near Dhaka University. The participants carried posters, and placards highlighting the Ghulja massacre and distributed leaflets among the student of Dhaka University. A team of BMWDC went on to submit a memorandum to the Embassy of China later in the evening.
In Khulna, the Khulna Metropolitan Students Union (KMSU) organized a human Chain and a protest rally at the Royal intersection in Khulna, and Bangladesh Social Activist Forum (BSAF) organized the Human chain and protest rally at Shaheb Bazar, Zero Point, Rajshahi to highlight China’s inhumane treatment of minorities and Uyghurs, according to local media as quoted by ANI.