'I want justice from my country': Sheikh Hasina in her first remarks after ouster from Bangladesh

Ousted Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has sought justice and punishment for rioters in the country in her first remarks after fleeing Dhaka following days of massive protest over job quotas.
She has also sought justice for the vandalism of the statue of her father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who was also the Founding Father of Bangladesh.
In a three-page emotive statement posted on X by her son Sajeeb Wazed, Sheikh Hasina reminisced about the family members she lost when her father was assassinated on August 15, 1975.
Mujibur Rahman's sons and their wives, his brother's family, close colleagues, and associates were killed on the same night by the army as part of a coup.
প্রিয় দেশবাসী
— Sajeeb Wazed (@sajeebwazed) August 13, 2024
ভাই ও বোনেরা, ১৯৭৫ সালে ১৫ই আগস্ট বাংলাদেশের রাষ্ট্রপতি জাতির পিতা বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানকে নির্মমভাবে হত্যা করে। তাঁর প্রতি গভীর শ্রদ্ধা জানাই। একই সাথে আমার মা বেগম ফজিলাতুন্নেসা, আমার তিন ভাই মুক্তিযোদ্ধা ক্যাপ্টেন শেখ কামাল,…
After paying her respects to them, she spoke about the recent crisis stating: "Since last July, many fresh lives have been lost due to vandalism, arson and violence in the name of agitation. Students, teachers, police, journalists, cultural workers, Awami League leaders, and pedestrians have died as victims of terrorist attacks. I condole and pray for their souls."
"For those who have lost their loved ones like me, I extend my deepest sympathy. And for those involved in this slaughter and destruction, I demand that investigations be held and they be caught and given appropriate punishment," read her statement in Bengali.
"The memory that was the basis of our survival has been burnt to ashes. The Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, under whose leadership we have gained self-esteem as an independent nation, got self-identity and got an independent country, has been grossly insulted. They insulted the blood of millions of martyrs. I want justice from the countrymen," she said.
She signed off with an appeal to her countrymen to observe the National Day of Mourning on August 15 with due dignity and solemnity.
Bangladesh witnessed turmoil in recent weeks which began with students protesting against job quotas and then slowly spiralled into a mass movement that demanded former PM Sheikh Hasina's resignation.
The violence led to the death of over 300 people.
The showdown took a new turn when former PM Sheikh Hasina was forced to resign which led to the toppling of her government and ending her 15-year rule.
Hasina escaped to India in a helicopter.