Pakistan: Terrorists behead teen in Lakki Marwat

Lakki Marwat: Police on Wednesday said terrorists have beheaded the body of a teenager in Lakki Marwat region of Pakistan.
They told Dawn News that the beheaded body of a teenager was found in Bargai village.
The victim is identified as Raheedullah.
He was killed by unidentified armed men believed to be militants on charges of spying, reports Dawn News.
Murad Khan, an uncle of the slain boy, told police that his nephew had gone to the fields on January 15 but did not return home.
An official said that the militant group ‘Ittehadul Mujahideen-i-Khurasan’ had left a dagger and a hand written chit in Pashto language along the body, carrying a message that Raheedullah was found guilty of spying for army and counter-terrorism department, reports the news paper.