Pakistan's JI to demonstrate against growing power crisis in Karachi

Pakistan's Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) has announced it will demonstrate against a growing power crisis in Karachi city and inflated electricity bills.
The party said it would stage protests in all towns on Saturday against the K-Electric, reported Dawn News.
Addressing a press conference outside the KE headquarters in Gizri, JI Karachi chief Munim Zafar, accompanied by people from different walks of life, warned that Karachiites reserved the right to protest outside Governor House and or the KE headquarters, if the private company didn’t place its house in order.
“The Jamaat will also approach courts against the power outages in the city because the outages on illogical grounds are causing adverse effects on mental health and productivity of a larger portion of the population in the city,” he was quoted as saying by Dawn News.
He referred to “hefty bills” and “excessive tariff” by the KE saying that the JI would attend the public hearing to be held on May 9 by the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority over the proposal to increase power tariff.
“We ask Nepra to pay heed to consumers’ concerns and pains as well, instead of playing the role of a facilitator to the KE in its wrongdoings,” said the JI chief.