UAE bans import of frozen fresh meat from Pakistan via sea after 'fungus' found in a consignment

The United Arab Emirates has banned the import of frozen meat from Pakistan through the sea route after fungus was allegedly found in a consignment of meat.
The meat consignment had been sent by a Karachi-based company by sea and the whole shipment was destroyed by the UAE authorities, while a ban was imposed on all further imports of frozen meat from Pakistan through maritime channels at least up till Oct 10, reports Dawn News.
However, the country will continue to import meat from Pakistan via air route.
Incidentally, Pakistan exports meat worth around $144 million per year to the UAE.
Naseeb Ahmad Saifi, a meat exporter, told Dawn News that it is not a ban rather the UAE authorities have put an embargo until Pakistani frozen meat exporters start following the protocol prescribed by the destination country for future shipments.