UFO Amert: Mysterious 'flying cylinder' caught on camera by flyer travelling over New York, experts share truth

Taking the possibility of flying saucers and the existence of UFOs to a new height, a flight traveller captured a strange object flying over New York.
The incident left experts baffled and even made federal aviation officials to go on a fact-finding mission.
Meet the woman who captured the storage flying object on camera
Michelle Reyes was flying on a commercial airline flight above LaGuardia Airport on March 25 when she captured the video footage of the mysterious “flying cylinder” from the plane window.
Sharing the video on Faebook, she wrote: " I saw a ufo coming home yesterday! Can anyone help me identify what this is?! Posting the video and a still shot of the object."
Is it a UFO?
Thomas Wertman, the state director of the Mutual UFO Network in Ohio, reviewed the footage for The New York Post and said the dark object was travelling at roughly 2,500 feet and was “relatively close” to the plane as it prepared for landing.
The object’s altitude, shape and location — near a major commercial flight path — appears to rule out that it could be a news helicopter, a drone or a military aircraft, Wertman said.
“Drones aren’t supposed to fly at that altitude, at least legally,” he said. “If it were something related to [military] defense or law enforcement, you normally wouldn’t see it so close to a major flight lane.”
“That could be a potential hazard,” said Wertman, who has spent years studying the skies for evidence of interplanetary visitors.
“It does not appear to be a commercial aircraft because I don’t see features like wings or a tail,” he said.
The plane in which Michelle Reyes was travelling was around 15 minutes away from LaGuardia Airport.
Thomas Wertman said it was probably flying at 230 mph when the video was shot
Ultimately, the footage “doesn’t appear to be doctored,” he said.