Ugandan Parliament passes bill which criminalizes identifying as LGBTQ

Kampala: The Ugandan Parliament has passed a bill that would criminalise people who identify themselves as LGBTQ+, among other things, media reports said.
Individuals could face lengthy prison terms if the bill is signed into law by President Yoweri Museveni, reports BBC.
Under the proposed legislation, friends, family and members of the community would have a duty to report individuals in same-sex relationships to the authorities, the British media reported.
In the African nation, a homosexual relationship is regarded as illegal.
However, the bill now tries to further criminalise people on the basis of their sexual identity.
The bill was passed in the Parliament with widespread support on Tuesday.
It will now go to President Museveni who can choose to use his veto - and maintain good relations with Western donors and investors - or sign it into law, reports BBC.