Urumqi Massacre: Bangladesh demonstrates against China

Dhaka: Protesters demonstrated in different corners of Bangladesh on Wednesday to commemorate the Urumqi Massacre and express solidarity with the victims and their families.
Protestors condemned China for its continued harassment and torture of Uyghur Muslims, reports ANI.
Sanchetan Nagarik Samaj organised a protest demonstration followed by a human Chain on the 14 anniversary of the Urumqi massacre at Narayanganj in Bangladesh, the news agency reported.
During the protest, 350-400 protestors were seen carrying banners, placards and festooned with slogans in Bangla and English highlighting the plight of Uyghur Muslim.
They protested against China for imprisoning lakhs of Uyghur Muslims and urged the people of Bangladesh to condemn China for its inhuman activities.
A protest demonstration and discussion meeting were organized by the Islamic Movement of Bangladesh at Dhaka Press Club. 250-300 Protestors led by Abu Zafar Kasemi, Amir Islamic Movement Bangladesh(IMB) along with Advocate Khairul Ahsan, Chairman IMB attended the event. Speakers condemned China for human rights violations in China and said that China is continuing its inhuman activities including rape, murder, and kidnapping of innocent Uyghur Muslims, reports ANI.
Bangladesh Islami Front (BIF) also held a discussion meeting to protest against China and its oppression of Uyghur Muslims on Urumqi Massacre Day on Wednesday.
It was held at Bangabandhu Hall, Chattogram Press Club, Chattogram City of Bangladesh. Around 400 Muslims gathered in the Hall to participate in the discussion,ANI reported.
The meeting was inaugurated by Peer-e-Tariqat Syed Masihuddaulah, General Secretary of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat Bangladesh, who remembered the Muslim Uyghur victims killed in the Urumqi Massacre of 2009.