US presidential election: Donald Trump ahead of Kamala Harris in swing states, poll survey predicts

As all eyes are on the US presidential election to be held on Tuesday, Republican candidate Donald Trump is leading the predictions, especially in all seven swing states, according to AtlasIntel's latest poll.
As per the latest survey, about 49 percent of the respondents expressed their support for Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election.
Trump is leading by 1.8% votes over his counterpart Democrat Kamala Harris.
The swing states have grabbed the maximum attention as the US presidential elections culminate on Tuesday.
Trump is expected to win in all swing states including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, another survey predicted.
In Arizona, Trump is ahead by a maximum margin with a 51.9% to 45.1% lead over Harris.
In Nevada, 51.4% of voters chose Trump while 45.9% said they would vote for Harris.
In North Carolina, Trump leads by 50.4% of votes, while Harris gets 46.8% of the vote share.
Interestingly, even as Harris was leading ahead of Trump in every Reuters/Ipsos poll when she entered the race in July, her position has steadily shrunk since late September.