Cabinet approves eCourts Phase III for 4 years

New Delhi: The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the eCourts Project Phase III as a Central Sector Scheme spanning four years (2023 onwards) with a financial outlay of Rs 7210 crore.
The scheme aims to develop a judicial system that would promote ease of justice by making the system more accessible, affordable, reliable, predictable, and transparent for all stakeholders.
“Taking the gains of Phase-I and Phase-II to the next level, the e-Courts Phase-III aims to usher in a regime of maximum ease of justice by moving towards digital, online and paperless courts through digitization of the entire court records including legacy records and by bringing in universalization of e-Filing/ e-Payments through saturation of all court complexes with e-Sewa Kendras,” the Ministry of Law and Justice said in a statement.
It will put in place intelligent smart systems enabling data-based decision making for judges and registries while scheduling or prioritizing cases.
The main objective of the Phase-III is to create a unified technology platform for the judiciary, which will provide a seamless and paperless interface between the courts, the litigants and other stakeholders.
The Centrally Sponsored Scheme of eCourts Phase III is being implemented under the joint partnership of Department of Justice, Ministry of Law & Justice and eCommittee, Supreme Court of India, in a decentralized manner through the respective High Courts.