167 police officers transferred district to district

Just few months before the ensuing assembly elections, the police administration in a major administrative reshuffle order has transferred altogether 167 police officers in different districts of the state.
Tripura police headquarters on Sunday in a major transfer order signed by DGP Amitabh Ranjan has transferred 44 police inspectors and 123 Sub-Inspectors (SIs) of police department from their present posting district to another district.
Among the transferred police officers many prominent police Inspectors, who were recently promoted from SI to in-charge inspectors from different police stations located in Agartala were transferred to different districts of the state. Among 123 police sub-inspectors (SIs), many who were also recently promoted from ASI to SI were also transferred and posted from their present posting districts to other districts of the state.
Earlier, the state police administration and General Administration of the state government had also transferred senior level officers as part of the pre-election transfer of officers.