50 thousand fish farmer families brought under CMSPY in the present financial year

A total of 50,240 fish farmer families of the state were brought under ‘Chief Minister Swanirbhar Parivar Yojana’ in the financial year 2022-23. Under the scheme, 4 crore 10 lakh rupees has been approved in the present financial year, said Principal Secretary of Fisheries department B.S. Sharma while addressing a press meet to highlight the progress and achievements of different public welfare schemes of the Fisheries department.
He said that the target has been set to provide 500 fish fingerlings to 50 thousand fish farmer families every year i.e., 1 lakh 50 thousand fish farmer families as well as one-day training under Chief Minister Swanirbhar Parivar Yojana. The Principal Secretary said that 2,575 fish farmers of SC community will be provided with assistance under Pradhan Mantri Anusuchit Jaati Abhudyay Yojana in the financial year 2022-23. The state government has recently started this scheme as a part of Prati Ghare Sushason campaign. So far, 575 SC fish farmers were given 10 thousand rupees each along with necessary items and fingerlings in the present financial year under Pradhan Mantri Anusuchit Jaati Abhudyay Yojana. Under the scheme, each member of 70 Self- Help Groups formed with 10 SC fish farmers have been provided with assistance of 10 thousand rupees along with necessary items. The Principal Secretary informed that the SHGs were also provided with fish seeds.
He informed that assistance has been provided to 1 thousand SC fish farmers for revival and repair of old water bodies. Assistance will be provided to 300 SC fish farmers for fish farming in Biofloc method.
He said that an implementing unit by the Fisheries department (Fishery PIU) will be set up under Tripura Rural Economic Growth Service scheme with the assistance of the World Bank. He informed that with the financial assistance of NABARD, the Fisheries department has adopted a caged fish farming awareness scheme in Dumboor Lake as well as in other large water bodies of the state. 1,760 cage fish farming will be done under the scheme, among which 1500 cages will be set up in Dumboor Lake. 1080 cages have been recently set up and these will be inaugurated soon. The principal secretary also informed that IMC Hatchery of Santirbazar sub-division, Muhuripur Gyan Kendra, Karbook and Silachari Gyan Kendra under Karbook sub-division and Chechuwa Gyan Kendra of Amarpur sub-division will be inaugurated gradually. Apart from that, a fish market under Lalchimura Village Committee of Bishalgarh block will be inaugurated on November 14.
Joint Director of Fisheries department Abani Debbarma was also present during the press meet.