A sexagenarian man died at GB Hospital, medical negligence alleged

Once again a medical negligence and subsequent death of a patient reported from state’s main referral AGMC and GB Hospital on Saturday.
Sources said that one Bikash Roy Chowdhury of Nagerjala area of Agartala was admitted to the male medical unit of the hospital a couple days ago with respiratory problems.
On Friday evening, he was supposed to get two injections, but on-duty doctors and nurses did not push these injections after repeated requests from the patient party. Later, one of the on-duty nurse responded to the request of the party and pushed both injections at time.
But, a few minutes later, the sexagenarian man complained of severe chest pain and respiratory problems . Unfortunately, no doctor or nurses responded to the repeated request of the patient party and ultimately, Bikash Roy Chowdhury breathed his last at midnight.
The family members of the victim man raised their voices against gross negligence of the doctors and nurses and they had also engaged in a hot altercation with hospital staff. Later, security forces including police and TSR rushed to the medical ward to defuse the tension.
The daughters of the victim claimed that no person with little respiratory problems died, but they lost their father due to gross negligence of doctors and nurses of the hospital and they will lodge a police complaint against poor medical services of the hospital.