All first-year students of AGDC secure excelled results

Another proud moment for Agartala government Dental College (AGDC) that the 1st year BDS student’s results have been declared by Tripura University of Batch 2023-24 and all students have excelled remarkably and have completed their first year with flying colours.
As per the result of the first year examination of Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS), published on September 6th by Tripura University, Mr Anirban Sutradhar has topped the first professional BDS examination with 80.42% . Ms Joysmita Saha has been placed in 2nd position with 79.08%. Ms Ananya Debnath in 3rd position with 77.67%.
The second year BDS classes will commence from 9th September 2024 at AGDC.
It may be recalled here that in the first year (2023-24) examinations of AGDC and IGM Hospital, altogether 44 candidates appeared and on August 5th , 2024 last, the examinations for first year students began as per the nod of Indian Dental Council (IDC) and Tripura University.