AR organises ‘A Day with Assam Rifles’ at Tripura

Assam Rifles organized ‘A Day with Assam Rifles’ at Radhanagar, Unakoti district in Tripura on Friday. The event was conducted to inspire students by giving them a glimpse of the daily life and routine of a soldier.
The programme commenced by welcoming the students and highlighting the importance of students as the future of the nation. The participants embarked on a guided tour to various important locations like the Quarter Guard, Kote etc where they witness customs, drills and procedures unique to Assam Rifles.
The students were shown a demonstration of Drone and briefed on how it is being used to carry out their tasks. The students also witnessed an exciting dog show. The event concluded with a lunch where the students asked various questions about Assam Rifles. In the end the students and teachers expressed their gratitude to Assam Rifles for organising an educative and exciting event.