BSF-BGB joint commandant level meet vows to curb Rohingya infiltration

The Border Security Force (BSF) has expressed its serious concern over the infiltration of Rohingya refugees into Indian territory through the long border with neighbouring Bangladesh.
At the commandant level meeting of the Border Security Force (BSF) and the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) at the Bangladesh portion of Maitree Setu in Sabroom on Monday, the BSF have expressed its serious concern over the frequent infiltration of Rohingyas through different bordering areas of the state.
The security forces deployed in Tripura along with BSF on many occasions detained a number of Rohingya refugees on their journey towards other cities of the country along with agents involved with human trafficking.
Sources said that at Monday's commandant level meeting of the BSF and BGB, both the border guards took a decision to strengthen their surveillance in border areas.
The BSF also sought the co-operation of its counterpart in Bangladesh to complete the barbed wire fencing in some remaining stretches of Indo-Bangla border . The BSF has also highlighted the smuggling of narcotic items and has also stressed joint concrete efforts to stop the smuggling of narcotic items in both parts of the border.
It may be recalled here that the ‘golden-triangle’ of drug smuggling centering Chittagong through Myanmar and Thailand has made Tripura a corridor for transportation of narcotic items to its ultimate destination at Chittagong.
The Border Guards of India have also raised the issue and emphasized joint patrolling on both sides of the border to stop drug smuggling.
Sources added that the officials of BGB have assured the BSF authorities to extend their cooperation to stop drug menaces and its smuggling in border areas.
During the meeting commandant of BSF’s 96th battalion Abhimanyu Jha, commandant of 109th battalion of BSF, Ashok Kumar Yadadav and zonal Lieutenant Colonel of BGB of Ramghar sector, Abhu Bakar Siddqui and 4-BGB Palashpur zone commander Sohel Ahmed were present.