Budhiliam to replace Data Mohan, MLA Ranjit Debbarma demands cancel all jobs under former chairman

The Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council (TTAADC) has announced the formation of a new recruitment board.
In response to the recent controversy surrounding the leakage of the answer key for the SZDO and Dy PO recruitment examination, the previous board, chaired by Legal Advisor Data Mohan Jamatia, has been dissolved. The TTAADC has appointed a new board under the leadership of Budhiliam Hrankhwal, Deputy CEO of TTAADC. Other members include Naresh Jamatia, Principal Officer; Dilip Barman, Executive Officer; Dr. Patha Debbarma, Principal Officer; and Bhavesh Debbarma, Executive Officer, who will serve as the member secretary of the board.
Meanwhile, the TTAADC Chairman has summoned the Council to meet on June 28, 2024, at 11 AM in the Council Bhavan at Khumulwng. Speculation suggests that meeting will address the recent criticism of the TTAADC concerning the examination scam and possibly discuss the Tiprasha Accord.
The notification regarding the formation of the new board was published Friday. Despite assurances from the CEO regarding the rescheduling of the examination, new exam dates have yet to be announced. Candidates are advised to stay tuned for further updates from the TTAADC.
While, after the job scandal in the ADC, is escalating into a new crisis for the Tipra-Motha supremo Pradyot Kishore Debbarma as many among his party leaders are suspecting major irregularities.
MLA Ranjit Debbarma raised the issue openly and he has written a letter to the CEO, CK Jamatia, calling for the cancellation of all board activities and recruitment processes conducted under the chairmanship of Data Mohan Jamatia, who was also legal advisor of TTAADC.
In his letter, on Thursday MLA Ranjit Debbarma highlighted significant irregularities and public dissatisfaction, particularly concerning the recruitment for the posts of Sub-Zonal Development Officer and Deputy Principal Officer (Dy. PO). He described a "shameful episode" within the TTAADC administration, emphasizing that the scam in the recruitment process has severely damaged the council's reputation. He expressed concern that the widespread discontent among unemployed youths could escalate, potentially disrupting law and order across the state if immediate action is not taken.
Legal Advisor of TTAADC Data Mohan Jamatia, who served as the Chairman of the recruitment board, has already been removed from his position following the scandal. But in his letter, Ranjit Debbarma further insisted on the dismissal of all officers recruited under the controversial chairmanship, citing strong suspicions surrounding their selection. He stressed the urgency of this action to restore public trust and maintain stability in the region.
Ranjit Debbarma said that the TTAADC administration will take decisive steps to address the issue and prevent further deterioration of public trust.
The scandal has sparked a significant public outcry, with many citizens and political leaders calling for comprehensive reforms in the recruitment process to prevent future occurrences of such malpractices. The TTAADC Administration is yet to issue a formal response to Debbarma’s letter and the broader demands for accountability and transparency.