CEO, Tripura attended all party meeting before summary revision of electoral rolls

Before the beginning of summary revision of electoral rolls from November 9th, 2022, the Election Commission of Indian (ECI) and the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of Tripura on Tuesday attended an all party meeting at the conference hall of Civil secretariat.
As per directives of the ECI, the state Election Department to undertake a special summary revision of photo electoral rolls with reference to January 1, 2023 as the qualifying date from November 9th.
While, as part of the preparations for 2023 assembly elections in Tripura, the ECI has already issued an order for Tripura that no officer connected directly with elections shall be allowed to continue in the present district of posting if they are posted in their home district for the past three years.
While, after the all party meeting, CEO Kiran Gitte speaking with media persons said that with reference to January 1, 2023 as the qualifying date for preparation of electoral rolls for 2023 assembly elections, the summary revision of rolls will start from November 9th. He said that ECI has taken initiatives and are working for 100% photo EPIC (Electoral photo identity card) and Aadhar linking of all voters.
He said that people who are eligible for casting of vote can enroll their names for EPIC through online and offline and the people who will complete their 18 years of age by January 1st, 2023 will be enrolled in the photo electoral rolls.
Gitte said that when Bru migrants are resettled in the designated spots, as soon as the ECI will start their enrollment in EPIC and ECI has also instructed for their 100% enrollment.
During the all party meeting, the representatives of all national and regional political parties including from IPFT, BJP, Congress, CPI, CPI(M), Trinamool Congress (TMC) and from Amra Bangalee participated in the meeting and they were briefed by Election department through PowerPoint presentation about summary revision of electoral rolls.