Congress’s unorganized workers cell to strengthen movements demanding jobs

The general body meeting of the ‘All Tripura Unorganized Workers Congress’ held at Congress Bhavan in Agartala on Sunday.
After the meeting speaking with media persons, Pradesh Congress president Ashish Kumar Saha said that as per instruction of the AICC, the ‘All Tripura Unorganized Workers Congress’ conducted their general body meeting on Sunday and has taken a resolution to strengthen their fight against deprival policies of the state. He alleged that thousands of unorganised workers are fighting to maintain their daily life and to earn two squares of meals for their families in absence of jobs.
He said that few workers are getting MGNREGA jobs, but the miscreants owing allegiance to the ruling party are taking the lion share of hard earned money. The present BJP government in Tripura has drastically reduced the mandays of NREGA and TUEP, resulting in the suffering of thousands of unorganized workers has increased at its multiple times.
While speaking with media, former PCC president and MLA Gopal Chandra Roy condemning the ‘step-motherly’ attitude of the state government with working classes, claimed that people are uniting themselves for a greater movement across the state to get their legitimate rights.
Both the leaders hoped that in the ensuing assembly elections for 5 states, Congress will form the government, which will begin the end of Narendra Modi led BJP government in centre.