CPM-Cong “Save Constitution Forum” wins Tripura bar association election

In the prestigious elections for Tripura Bar Association, the Lawyers panel affiliated to both oppositions CPI (M) and Congress under the banner of “Save Constitution Forum” captured 9 out of 15 seats leaving six seats for the BJP panel, which was held on Sunday.
In the last Bar Association elections, the Lawyers panel affiliated to BJP captured six out of 15 seats leaving 9 seats for the leftists’ panel All India Lawyers Union (AILU) and Congress panel “Save Constitution Forum”.
The polls for Tripura Bar Association have started on Sunday morning from 9.00 AM and continue up to 1.30 PM. Out of total 500 votes, altogether 463 valid voters cast their votes to elect a 15 members executive committee of Tripura Bar Association through three booths.
Among 15 members of the executive committee, five posts of office bearers including president and secretary posts were won by the save constitution forum and BJP panel advocates managed to win the post of vice president and one post of assistant secretary and among the ten member posts six member posts won by “Save Constitution Forum” and four more post of executive members won by BJP panel.
Returning Officer and veteran lawyer, Sandip Datta Chowdhury said that advocate Mrinal Kanti Biswas from Save Constitution Forum panel has been elected as President of the Bar Association by defeating his nearest rival from BJP panel. The post of vice-president was won by BJP panel candidate Subrata Debnath
Significantly, post of secretary of Bar Association was also won by Save Constitution Forum panel advocate Koushik Indu by defeating his rival candidate from BJP panel. The two posts of assistant secretaries were also secured one each by Save Constitution Forum panel advocates Amar Debbarma and from BJP panel Utpal Das.
Among the 10 posts of executive members, the Save Constitution Forum panel won six member posts and the BJP panel got four member posts.