Diwali Special trains from Oct 31st in between Agartala-Dharmanagar-Sabroom

Diwali Special trains from Oct 31st in between Agartala-Dharmanagar-Sabroom
For the convenience of pilgrims and visitors, the Lumding Division of Northeast Frontier Railway(NFR) has decided to run two pairs of Diwali Festival Special trains which will run 3 trips daily from October31st to November 2nd 2024 between Agartala-Dharmanagar, Dharmanagar-Agartala, Agartala-Sabroom and Sabroom- Agartala respectively.
Train No -07691,07692 07698 and 07697 will run as passengers Special TOD with DEMU rakes to clear extra rush of passengers during Diwali festival at Mata Tripura Sundari temple in Udaipur under Gomati district in Tripura said T K Bhowmik,Dy.COM/CHG on Wednesday.