Dr Pradip Bhaumik elected as sectional president of ISCA

Dr Pradip Bhaumik, Professor , department of Medicine, Agartala Govt Medical College (AGMC) has recently been elected as Sectional President of Section of Medical Sciences (Including Physiology) of The Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) .
The Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) is a professional body under the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India.
ISCA is a premiere scientific organization of the country established in 1914, and almost 110 years old. From the modest beginning with hundred and five members, ISCA has grown into a strong fraternity now with more than sixty thousand members across India from different scientific fields.
ISCA has been promoting science and inculcating the spirit of science through its multifarious activities. ISCA meets in the first week of January in an Annual Congress of scientists, science administrators, policy makers and the general public to give a stronger impulse and a more systematic direction to scientific inquiry, to promote interaction of societies and individuals interested in science in different parts of the country and to focus more general attention to the objectives pure and applied sciences. ISCA brings together scientists both from India and abroad for mutual interaction in the cause of national development. The Annual Congress of the Association has been held every year since 1914 with very distinguished scientists as its General President. The 109th Indian Science Congress will be held on 3rd to 5th January 2024 at the historical University of Lucknow. The Prime Minister of India traditionally inaugurates this Conference.
There are now fourteen sections in the Indian Science Congress, namely Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences, Anthropological and Behavioural Sciences (including Archaeology and Psychology & Educational Sciences), Chemical Sciences, Earth System Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Information and Communication Science & Technology (including Computer Sciences), Material Sciences, Mathematical Sciences (including Statistics), Medical Sciences (including Physiology),
New Biology (including Biochemistry, Biophysics & Molecular Biology and Biotechnology), Physical Sciences, Plant Sciences and one Committee Science & Society. Every sector of this 14 scientific area is led by one Sectional president.
Out of this fourteen eminent sectional President, Dr Pradip Bhaumik is heading the section of Medical Science (Including Physiology) for the session 2023 to 2024. He will preside over the Program of section of Medical Science including Physiology in the 109th Indian Science Congress to be held at Lucknow University, from 3rd January 2024 to 5th January 2024 . This is a great honour and recognition of science and Technology development in Tripura.
The theme of 109th Indian Science Congress is “ GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR SUSTAINABLE FUTURE.” In the current perspective of extensive development of science and technology, sustainability is of paramount importance.
Climatic and environmental changes , reduction of poverty and maintaining peace and harmony, creating newer sources of Energy at global level are big challenges today. Creating a sustainable future for new generations by proper and judicious use of science and technology is an important task of Indian Science congress Association(ISCA).
The first meeting of the new committee of Indian Science congress association was held on 7th May 2023 at ISCA House ,Kolkata under the Chairmanship of General President of ISCA Prof.(Dr ) Arvind Kumar Saxena. In the meeting Dr Pradip Bhaumik was given the responsibility of organising the Scientific Program of Medical Science including Physiology.
Number of Nobel Laureates are expected to participate in the conference and deliver lectures. The conference will also host women Science Congress, Children Science Congress and Tribal science Congress etc.
Dr Pradip Bhaumik , is the Founder president of Hepatitis Foundation of Tripura and is also currently holding the post of National governing body member of Association of Physicians of India.
Dr Pradip Bhaumik extended heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all concerned who are helping him day in day out in transforming science into Peoples Science and taking it to Common men’s Forum.