ECI officials review SVEEP, ‘Ease of Voter Enrolment’ campaigns in poll-bound state

Based on the directives of the Election Commission of India (ECI), the state election department has emphasized on improvement of the facilities for Disabled and Old age voters besides reviewing Systematic Voters Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) plans and accessibility measures with all District Election Officers.
As the ECI officials gave specific suggestions to improve the voter awareness program to get intensive involvement of the people in the election process, two officials from ECI including Special Election officer Ranbir Singh and director Santosh Aajmera have been appointed to review the SVEEP plan in Tripura.
Chief Electoral Officer (CEO), Tripura Kiran Gitte said that "Tripura has a record of high turnout in the elections - 91.82 per cent in 2013 assembly elections, and 89.38 per cent in 2018 assembly elections. All other elections also have a record of impressive turnout, and our target is to make more in the coming elections" . He said that ECI officials advised DMs to identify the lower turnout areas and find out the reasons for low voting.
The ECI team also passed an instruction to the DEOs to arrange facilities at polling stations like ramps, wheelchairs, sign language volunteers, and ballot papers in braille, so that the persons with disability can exercise their votes conveniently, he pointed out.
Gitte, however, stated that special initiatives like organizing online quiz contests, sessions with the new voters in various institutions, decorative polling stations, setting up youth-managed and the person with disability-managed polling stations in every Assembly Constituency, and organizing Rangoli competitions in every household on the occasion of Makar Sankranti.
"Mission 929 (a special initiative in selected 929 polling stations where the poll percentage was below 88 percent in the 2018 assembly election) to motivate the voters to bring them to the polling stations, the launch of attractive audio-visual videos, jingles to create mass awareness among all sections of voters," Gitte said.
The ECI officials have interacted with the Electoral Literacy Club at Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar College of Belonia in South Tripura followed by a visit to some places in Gomati district and West Tripura district.
The state Election department sources said that in view of forthcoming 13th General Election of Tripura Legislative Assembly in February 2023, the CEO , as per the up-dation process of the voter list said that the draft Voter List was published on 9th November 2022 for 60 Assembly Constituencies and 3,328 polling stations in the state. Total voters in the draft list are 27,33,891 with 13,80,181 males, 13,53,664 females and 46 transgender. The Election Department had appealed to young voters who will attain 18 years on 01.01.2023 to register their names within 15th December 2022.
During the revision of voter lists, the Election Department took several proactive steps to achieve ‘Ease of Voter Enrolment’ leading upto the Tripura Assembly Elections 2023.
Election department sources said that booth Level Officers appointed in 3,328 polling stations have visited more than 10 Lakh households in the state over a period of one month. They had interaction with family members to find out new voters, shifted voters due to marriage, occupation and dead voters, if any. Information is collected in digital mode by Garuda app of the Election Commission.
During the analysis of the draft Voter list, it was observed that there is a gap of more than 35,000 female voters in the age of 18-29. The main reason is delay in registration of married girls due to lack of documents in the in-law’s place of residence. Every BLO was instructed to prepare a list of newly married girls and help them to collect documents and enroll on priority. Due to these efforts, registration of female voters this time is more than male voters by over 9000.
As the Election Commission has allowed advance registration of 17+ voters, special camps were held in High Schools and Colleges for Class XII students. More than 7000 youths of 17+ age have registered as prospective voters. They will be able to vote as and when they will attain 18 years of age.
The Election department added that between 9th November and 15th December 2022, total 1,29,362 persons applied in Form 6 for registration as voters in Tripura, which is 20.09% higher than 1,07,719 applications received during 2018 Assembly Elections. At the same time, 63,463 voters were identified who are either dead or shifted from the polling station areas compared to 42,574 such cases in 2018, an increase of 49.07%.
Major boost is seen in Form 8 through which the voters can apply for correction of names, address etc. as well as shifting of their names from one place to another. In Special Summary Revision 2023, 82,592 persons have applied compared to 23,568 applications in 2018, an increase of 250.44%.
Overall, receipt of Form 6, 7 and 8 stands at 2,75,417 compared to 1,73,861 in 2018, which is an increase of 58.41%.
All the citizens and representatives of political parties have expressed satisfaction over the experience of the ‘Ease of Voter Enrolment’ during the Special Summary Revision 2023.