FRT employees of TSECL staged protest demanding release of pending salaries, 8-hrs works

About 150 workers of Fault Rectification Team (FRT), the outsourced line maintenance and repair workers of Tripura State Electricity Corporation Limited (TSECL) on Tuesday staged a demonstration demanding release of their pending salaries and work schedule for 8 hours.
On Tuesday morning about 150 outsourced employees FRT under a private company “Vision Plus” staged a demonstration in front ‘Bidyut Bhavan’ in Agartala demanding release of the pending salaries and fixed work schedule for 8 hours.
Speaking with media persons one agitator, Bijoy Das said that during the past few months, they were not getting their salaries, which were very less, even though they were forced to work for 12 hours instead of daily 8 hours scheduled duty.
He said that demanding a hike on their salaries, EPF facilities and eight hours work schedules, they have also submitted a memorandum before the Managing Director of TSECL.
The agitators said that they are very much hopeful that TSECL will resolve their sufferings; else they will organize mass movements to protect their rights.