ICA to start TV channel, organize classical, literacy festivals

In order to enrich classical music and literacy, the Information and Cultural Affairs (ICA) department will organize a classical music festival and literacy conference in the coming days.
Addressing a press conference at Civil Secretariat on Thursday afternoon, the secretary of ICA department DR P K Chakraborty accompanied by the director of the department Bimbiswar Bhattacharjee said that the department has taken initiative to distribute musical instruments to folk cultural centers of the state to promote the folk music.
He said that as part of the ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’, cultural programmes will be organized in 75 border villages of the state in July-August next.
Highlighting the activities and the future target of the department, Dr Chakraborty said that the advertisement section of the department will be digitized and a database of enlisted print, electronic and web media, utilization of digital display boards for advertisement purpose on revenue basis. He said that soon the department will launch the ICA Tripura TV channel.
He said that the audition process for empanelment of the artists of music, dance, anchors, drama etc is going on for 5426 applicants and after completion of audition, the artists from selected panels will have the priority in various programmes.
In order to disseminate the messages of the state government and to get feedback, the ICA department is working to revive, nourish, develop and promote the rich cultural heritage and create an atmosphere for emotional and cultural integration.
He said that at present the department is releasing government press releases in three languages including Bengali, Kokborok and in English and the department has enhanced its advertisement budget from Rs. 3 crore in 2018 to Rs. 15 crore in 2023 for media houses. The department has so far issued 363 press accreditation cards as per the guidelines, said Chakraborty and added that the monthly pension for retired journalists has increased from Rs. 1000 to Rs. 10,000 and has also started a monthly family pension of Rs. 5000 for the family members of accidentally expired journalists.
The government has also started the ‘Tripura Journalist Health Insurance Scheme-2022’ for accredited journalists, said the secretary.