JRBT results published, 1980 candidates recommended for jobs

Finally, after two years of wait and many agitation over publication of results, the result of the JRBT (Joint Recruitment Board ,Tripura) examination has been published for recruitment to Group “ C “ (Non-Gazetted ) posts in various departments of Tripura government on Wednesday.
The Joint Recruitment Board , Tripura (JRBT) of the Directorate of Employment Services and Manpower Planning is the recommending body that conducted the written examinations for suitable candidates for filling in 1,500 Lower Division Clerk (LDC) posts and 450 Agri-Assistant (TAFS Grade III and except TAFS Grade –III) 236 Junior Operators (Pump) and 209 Junior Multi-Tasking Operator (un-common) posts. The detailed lists of successful candidates who appeared at the JRBT examination and who were found suitable to get a recommendation by the Board for appointment to the Group “ C” posts can be seen after browsing their website link: www.jrbtripura.com said Dr. Debamita Kilikdar, Controller, JRBT on Wednesday evening.
After publication of results, Chief Minister Dr Manik Saha in a tweet message said that “ My heartfelt congratulations to all the aspirants who have qualified the JRBT-conducted examination for Group-C posts. I wish them all the very best for their future endeavours.”
The details of the total 1980 successful candidates except for residential addresses including their names, fathers' names, roll numbers, category indicating ST/SC/UR, total marks obtained, date of birth, and the recommendation made for the posts as per merit and preference have been given in the published lists.
JRBT sources said that all the certificates of the recommended candidates will be verified by the concerned departments as per the terms and conditions of eligibility before issuing the letter of offer of appointment. The Controller of Examination of JRBT further said that due to the non-availability of suitable /eligible candidates, none out of the category of 430 numbers vacant posts including UR, ST, and SC categories belonging to PWD (Person with a disability) and ex-Servicemen could be recommended against those posts. The JRBT could also not recommend any candidate against 37 (thirty-seven) numbers PWD ((Person with a disability) and 34 posts meant for ex-servicemen categories as there were no such suitable eligible candidates.
It may be recalled here that the advertisements under ref No 01/2020 of date November 27, 2020, and 01/2020 dated 12, February 2021 were published for recruitment tests, and around 1,31,500 aspirant candidates appeared for both examinations.