Minor reshuffle: Seven senior officers of state administration transferred

In a minor administrative reshuffle, seven senior officers of the state administration transferred and posted in different wings of the administration.
A notification issued by the General Administration (Personnel and Training) department of the state government said that incumbent secretary of Urban Development department Abhishek Sing will hold the charge of Power department in addition he will also hold the charge of ex-officio chairman of TSECL and relieved from the charges of Labour and GA(AR) departments.
Brijesh Pandey, secretary of Finance and Power departments including Audit is relieved and also from the additional charges of ex-officio chairman of TSECL and member of Tripura VAT Tribunal.
Incumbent secretary of Agriculture department Apurba Roy , will also hold the charge of Finance department with Audit and member of Tripura VAT Tribunal.
Saradindu Choudhury, secretary of Education (School and Higher) is relieved from the charges of Education and will hold the charge of Home department. TK Debnath, secretary of TPSC has been transferred and posted in the Labour department and he will also hold the charge of secretary, TPSC.
Raval Hamendra Kumar, secretary of Food and Civil Supply department will also hold the charge of the Education (School) department.
The incumbent special secretary of GA (AR) and Revenue departments, AK Bhattacharjee will hold the charge of GA(AR) department independently with charges of Fire and Emergency Services.