NFR continues to undertake various initiatives to improve customer interface

The Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) has been adopting several initiatives to improve the freight transportation and provide better customer interface. As parts of such initiatives, few more stations have been opened for handling of both inward and outward goods traffic during the month of June, 2023 to facilitate easier transportation of various goods by different segments of customer.
To improve customer interface and augment freight revenue, New Guwahati station (NGC) under Lumding division is opened for handling of inward livestock to be transported through parcel vans from 26th June, 2023. From 16th June, 2023, for a period of six months, Mirza station under Rangiya division has been permitted for functioning as an alternative goods terminal for both inward & outward of goods to Azara station.
On an experimental basis, Lumding division has successfully ensured loading of 200 packets of locally grown pineapples which are of high demand in various parts of the country from Dharmanagar in Tripura to New Delhi by Tejas Rajdhani Express during the month of June, 2023.
Moreover, on 12th June, 2023, to enhance the outward loading of coal and sand, Tinsukia division conducted a meeting with merchants belonging from Lakwa, Tuli, Bhojo and Namrup areas to explore the prospective for loading of coal & sand. Also, a meeting with merchants from New Tinsukia and Talap too was conducted on 28th June, 2023, to analyze loading prospective of ballast and sand at Tinsukia division.
Improvement of customer interface and opening of new terminals leads to increase loading and unloading of freight trains, as a result of which revenue of NFR will significantly grow in upcoming years.