NLU, Tripura hosted a dialogue for combating corruption in the region

The Tripura Dialogue Forum (TDF) under the tutelage of National Law University (NLU), Tripura hosted its 2nd TDF Talk on “Combating Corruption and Challenges Concerning the State of Tripura and the North Eastern Region.”
The talk was delivered by Kalyan Narayan Bhattacharyya, Lokayukta, Tripura on Monday. Mr. Bhattacharya shared insights on the role, jurisdiction and process followed by the Lokayukta and Lokpal when dealing with corruption cases.
NLU, Tripura through a press statement said that the learned speaker also spoke about the challenges and lacunas in the system. Mr. Bhattacharyya addressed various questions from students of NLU, Tripura and mentioned that the corruption phenomenon affects society in many diverse ways; therefore, there is a need to resolve it by using various measures, including imparting value education. Prof. (Dr.) Yogesh Pratap Singh, the founding Vice-Chancellor, while giving the welcome address emphasized the importance of discourse in a democracy. Dr. Debasree Debnath, Faculty Advisor of Tripura Dialogue Forum and Assistant Professor of Law, delivered the vote of thanks.