Paddy procurement of Kharif season starts from December 19

In order to double the income of farmers, the much-awaited paddy procurement programme under Kharif season will start from December 19, 2024,(Thursday) with a mammoth target of 21.315 MT.
In the interests of the farmers, this time the minimum support price (MSP) has been increased by Rs 23 per kg. Hence, the paddy will be lifted at an enhanced minimum support price (MSP) of Rs. 2,300 per quintal instead of last season’s Rs 2,183 per quintal from the farmers at 49 (Forty-nine) designated paddy procurement places (PPC) said Sushanta Chowdhury, Minister for Food, Tourism and Transport in a press conference held at the Civil Secretariat in Agartala on Monday afternoon.
Given the price hike in every sector, the farmers are getting an increased MSP atf Rs 1.17 per kg at Rs2,300per quintal in place of the Rs 2,183 MSP paid last time. This increased price will be handed over through online mode into farmers bank accounts without making commitments to the middlemen and is also proving to help earn more to their labor, said the Minister.
The entire range of paddy procurement operations is carried out by the Department of Food in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare with financial support from the Food Corporation of India (FCI). In all the 49 PPCs, farmers would be able to sell their quality paddy at the enhanced MSP, said the Minister after holding a joint review meeting with all the line department officers, PRI representatives, and stakeholders through a video conferencing mood on Monday. They also took stock of the preparation along with other relevant important issues linked to the procurement of paddy during the upcoming Kharif season.
Chairman and Vice-Chairman of various Panchayat Samities of the state, SDM of various subdivisions, BDOs of different blocks, including nodal officers of the respective departments were present at the Video Conferencing meeting and assured to extend all sorts of cooperation to make the paddy procurement programme a grand success to reach its targets.