Schools to re-open on Tuesday, excepts school occupied as relief camps

As the flood situation has improved across Tripura, all schools to re-open on Tuesday. Earlier last Wednesday (August 21st), all the schools (Govt, Govt-aided, Privately managed schools including schools under the TTAADC, Madrasas, etc ) were declared closure and were put on hold until further notice due to bad weather and unprecedented flood situations across the state.
Currently, the government after reviewing the situation issued a memorandum to re-open all schools (except in those schools where flood-affected people are given shelter) in the state from Tuesday as the flood situation has improved. The memorandum issued by Additional Secretary (Education) N C Sharma said that ‘now it has been decided by the Education (School) Department that all schools in the state will reopen from August 27, 2024, except the schools with relief camp operations.’