Secretary visits generic medicine counters in GB, issued instruction for availability of all necessary medicines

In order to resolve the immense suffering of patients and their relatives over the counters of Generic medicines in GB Hospital, the Health Secretary of Tripura, Kiran Gitte on Thursday visited the hospital and issued necessary directions for availability of all necessary medicines.
Gitte with Health department officials and doctors of Agartala Government Medical College (AGMC) and GB Hospital on Thursday morning reviewed the stock of medicine at the counter of the Hospital.
After arriving in the hospital, he first observed the condition of the generic medicine counter of the ‘Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendra’ and observed that there was no medicine as per the demand of the patients. The health secretary noted the number of medicines received from the prescriptions brought by relatives of the patients are absent from the counter.
Then, he called for a report on the shortage of medicines compared to the demand. He gave necessary instructions for stocking of generic medicines as per demand. He also ordered the provision of medicines based on prescription to the outpatients to stop unnecessary harassment at free medicine counters.
Offocial sources said that after the instruction given by the Health Secretary, computers and scanners have been provided in the counter for data storage. Then, Gitte also went to the ‘Rogi Kalyan Pharmacy Counter and reviewed the situation of drugs stored.
Gitte also talked to patients and their relatives. He urged efforts to keep 100 percent of medicines in stock. During his visit , Prof. (Dr.) Anup Kumar Saha, Vice Principal Prof. (Dr.) Tapan Mazumdar, Medical Superintendent Dr. Shankar Chakraborty, Deputy Medical Superintendent Dr. Kanak Chowdhury, Dr. Bidhan Goswami, Deputy Director were present along with Dr. Bikas Debbarma along with various senior officials of AGMC and GBP Hospital were also present.