Soon Agartala to be connected with Hyderabad by direct flight

By fulfilling long pending demands of state’s people, soon Agartala airport will be connected with Hyderabad through direct flight.
In a letter to the Transport Minister of Tripura, Sushanta Chowdhury, the Union Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia said that the proposed Hyderabad-Agartala-Hyderabad direct flight has been scheduled for operations by Indigo and the matter has been taken up with the private airline. Scindia in his letter said that he is hopeful for a favourable response to start operations at any early date.
Earlier, state’s Transport Minister Susnata Chowdhruy through a request letter on November 21st last has urged the Union Minister to start direct flight services in the routes of Jorhat-Agartala-Jorhat and Hyderabad-Agartala-Hyderabad for better conveyance for the students, patients and business communities of Tripura.
In reply to the letter of Sushanta Chwodhury, Union Civil Aviation Minister said that at present the Agartala airport (MBB airport) operates 202 flights weekly including arrival and departures by three operators Indigo, Air India and Akasa connecting cities like Kolkata, Bangalore, Delhi, Guwahati, Imphal and Shillong.
“The Jorhat-Agartala-Jorhat sector has been awarded to Spicejet under the UDAN-5.0 round and I have been informed that the airline would be starting the operations in the near future,” said Scindia in his letter.