TBSE announces board exam schedules, January 31 deadline for applications

The Tripura Board of Secondary Education (TBSE) will conduct its Madhyamik and Higher Secondary (+2) examinations from February 24 and February 25, respectively.
The Board has announced the schedules for filling up application forms and candidates must submit duly filled application forms by January 31.
Students appearing for their board examinations as continuing, compartmental, external continuing, single subject, or improvement candidates must submit their examination forms by January 15, said TBSE Secretary Dr Dulal Dey.
Dr Dey said that all regular and external candidates must fill up their 7M and 7H forms from January 10 to 31, latest by 5 pm on the last date. The 1M and 1H forms duly filled by the candidates will be kept in their respective schools.
Candidates who skipped their IA or practical marks must mark their practical section in the application form as A. However, external candidates will not need to fill in the IA or practical component and should instead use the “save” option for the category and proceed to pay fees.
Application forms can be submitted only after tallying verification reports with printouts of subject marks, practical marks, photographs and a ratifying signature from the respective head of institutions. No appeals for changing practical marks in the application forms will be entertained after the final submission, said Dr Dey and added that all school heads are required to submit duly signed verification reports of all applications to the board office by 5 PM on February 1.
The Higher Secondary examinations will begin with the English paper, followed by Bangla, Hindi, Kokborok and Mizo on February 27. The Chemistry and political science exams will be held on March 1, business studies, education and physics on March 3, while examinations for the accountancy, biology and history exams will be conducted on March 5. The mathematics and philosophy exams will take place on March 7, economics on March 10, psychology on March 12, geography on March 14, Sanskrit, Arabic and statistics on March 17, sociology on March 19, computer science and music on March 21 and vocational subject exams will be conducted on March 22.
The Madhyamik examinations will commence with English, followed by Bengali, Kokborok, Hindi and Mizo subjects on February 28. The exam for the social science paper will be held on March 4, science on March 8, mathematics (one basic and another standard) on March 13 and vocational subject examinations (10 subjects) will be held on March 18.
Similarly, the Madrassa Fazil arts and theology exams will begin on February 24 and continue until March 17, while the Madrassa Alim exams will be held from February 25 to March 18.
Madrassa Alim candidates will appear for the English exam on the first day, followed by Language I (Arabic and Bengali) on February 28, social science on March 4, science on March 8, mathematics on March 13 and theology on March 18.
The Madrassa Fazil theology exam is scheduled to begin with English on February 24, followed by Bengali on February 27, Islamic studies on March 1, Islamic history on March 3, theology on March 5 and Arabic on March 17. For the Madrassa Fazil arts stream, the examinations will begin with English on February 24, followed by Bengali on February 27, political science on March 1, education on March 3, history on March 5, philosophy on March 7, economics on March 10 and Arabic on March 17.