TBSE to declared Madhyamik, HS results, 87.54 % passed in Madhyamik, 79.27% in HS

Tripura Board of Secondary Education (TBSE) on Friday noon announced the results for Madhyamik and Higher Secondary (+2) and the pass percentage for Madhyamik stand at 87.54% and HS stand at 79.27%.
Addressing a press conference, TBSE president Dr Dhananjoy Gon Choudhury said that this is for the first time the board is announcing r=the results for Madhyamik, HS, results of Madrassa Alim and Madrassa Fazil examinations in the month of May.
Like previous years, the candidates can check their results through board website.
Dr Gon Choudhury said that this year, a total of 33,739 candidates appeared for Madhyamik (Secondary) examinations from 1057 schools across eight districts of Tripura and among them, altogether 29,534 candidates secured pass percentages.
Last year, the pass percentage for Madhyamik was 86.32 percent, while the number of appeared candidates were 38,129. Madhyamik examinations for 2024, a total of 32,193 candidates appeared as ‘regular’ category and among them 28,842 candidates secured pass marks, which contributed to a pass percentage of 89.59%.
The district wise abstract of the results shows that out of eight districts, students of Gomati district get first position with pass percentage of 92.96%, students of South Tripura get pass percentage of 92.91% and in the third position students of West Tripura get pass percentage of 91.13%, said Dr Gon Choudhury.
He said that the overall result shows that girls outshine the boys in pass marks and under ‘regular’ category and out of total 1057 schools, 310 schools secured cent percent pass, while 16 schools of the state have also zero pass. A total of 9823 students from Autonomous District Council (ADC) areas appeared in the Madhyamik and among them 8,430 students secured pass marks with pass percentage of 85.01%.
In the results of Higher Secondary, a total of 25,350 candidates appeared for this year examinations, which is less than 24.22% percent in comparison to candidates appeared in the 2023 examinations as 125 schools of the state are under CBSE for ‘Vidyajyoti’ scheme, said Dr Dulal Dey, secretary of TBSE.
He said that among the appeared candidates, altogether 20,095 candidates secured pass marks at a pass percentage of 79.27% from 409 schools across eight districts, which was 83.52% in 2023 examinations. Altogether 22 candidates appeared under Madrasa Fazil examinations and all of them secured pass marks. Similarly, a total of 49 candidates appeared in the Madrasa Fazil Theology examinations and among them 48 candidates secured pass marks. From schools under ADC areas, altogether 5401 candidates appeared in the HS examinations and among them 3,857 candidates secured pass marks in all three streams including Humanities, Commerce and Science with a pass percentage of 70.57%. As per district wise results, students of Sepahijala district secured first position with a pass percentage of 84.25%, students of West Tripura got 82.97% and in the third position, the students of South Tripura district got 82.91%. Dr Dey said that out of 409 schools, 39 schools get 100% success and 13 more schools get 100% failure.
Like previous years, this year also, the board will conduct Bochhor Bachao (save-a-year) exams for those who cannot pass their exams on the first attempt and a total of 3,213 students has qualified for Madhyamik and 4,235 more candidates for Higher Secondary has qualified for Bochhor Bachao examinations, said Dr Dey.
According to the Bochhor Bachao scheme initiated by the Tripura government in 2020, students are assured admission to colleges or promotion to the next class in the case of board exams, even if they fail in two subjects, as long as they have obtained at least 150 marks. However, they must pass a retest within 75 days of the results being announced to proceed with higher education.
Dr Dhananjoy Gon Choudhury said that this year's Madhyamik examinations began on March 16 and ended on April 18th last, in which altogether 38,559 candidates appeared in the examinations. Dr Gon Chowdhury added that about 5 to 6 thousand candidates appeared less in the secondary examinations this year compared to previous years, because many schools have been converted into CBSE including Vidyajyoti schools.
Similarly, the HS examinations began on March 15 and ended on April 19 last and altogether 27,627 candidates appeared in the board examinations from all eight districts of the state including hundred plus students for Madrasa Alim and for Madrasa Fazil examinations.
Dr Gon Choudhury said that the evaluation of answer scripts of Madhyamik and Higher Secondary (+2) examinations of Tripura Board of Secondary Education (TBSE) started in the first week of May and continued up to mid part of May. He said that the board will start distribution of marksheets in the next 7 to 8 days.