Tripura adopts new technologies for self-reliant in fish productions, Minister

With initiatives to increase fish production in the state to decrease the deficit of daily requirement, Tripura along with other parts of the country on Monday celebrated the ‘World Fisheries Day’.
Speaking with media persons, the Fisheries Minister Premkumar Reang during the celebration of day here at Bhagat Singh Youth hostel said that the government has taken many measures to make Tripura a self-reliant state in fish production.
He said that the department is now digging in water bodies in different parts of the state to increase the fish production using modern technology.
To improve the socio-economic status of the indigenous people living the near the Dumbur lake, the government has constructed caze culture tanks with capacity of 1000 kilograms of fish production per tank, said Reang and added that at present Tripura have production capacity of 19.46 kilograms of fish per head, whereas the requirement is about 26 kgs.
The government has taken multi-model initiatives to increase the fish production and make Tripura self-reliant in fish production, said Reang and added that NABARD has sanctioned RS. 26 crore for spreading of fish production through Biofloc method.
The Minister also said that during the National Fish conference held at New Delhi recently, the state government has highlighted the projects initiated in the state and Union Fisheries Minister Parshottam Rupala has also sanctioned Rs. 10 crores for development of fish production and to create new water bodies.
Speaking in the programme, MLA Dr Dilip Das also reiterated that the state government is creating new water bodies to increase the fish production.
The principal secretary of Fisheries department B S Mishra said that Tripura procure fishes from different states and neighbouring Bangladesh with a tune of Rs. 600 crore per year and to decrease import of fishes, the department takes many measures to divert the state’s money to state fish farmers.
The Director of the Fisheries department Muslamuddin Ahmed also delivered his speech in the programme and altogether 23 fish farmers were felicitated for their achievement in fish productions.